The Axminster Inn faced 'The Triangle' which at one time was a grassed and
fenced piece of land with trees. It is now a car park. No surprise there. It stood at the end of Paris
St on the corner with Russel St which has now been removed.
It was a Norman and Pring freehold property in 1911. ![]() In 1955 heavy rains caused water to rush down Paris Street building up to 4ft in the Triangle area. Dymond (1880) mentions that the Aximinster Inn was previously known as the Maltscoop and was frequented by brewers. Pring mentions that very same Maltscoop existing in the C18th. In 1850 it was known as the Axminster Inn with William Born as the resident. It is also listed by Besley (1828). In 1955 the landlady found her goldfish swimming in 4 ft of water by the front door after a severe storm had sent water cascading down Paris Street. Closed in September 1955 and purchased by ECC. Demolished in February 1964 to make way for a service road during the construction of the Paris Street roundabout and DSS buildings amongst others. Stuart Callon Copyright ©2002 |